Last Updated:  July 3, 2021

Our desire is to provide the best possible client service that meets our clients’ needs while responding to their concerns in a timely manner. In order to do so, we use the following methods to communicate directly with clients: telephone, voicemail, mail, and email. In order to maintain attorney-client confidentiality and be as efficient as possible, we do not communicate with clients via text messages or social media.


As a client, it is your responsibility to notify the Firm in a timely manner of changes to any of your contact information. Failure to do so could delay the receipt of an important communication and negatively impact your matter.


As a client, you will receive regular updates regarding your legal services. These updates, along with any invoices, are generally sent monthly and by email. You may also receive letters documenting major changes and events that affect your matter. For events requiring your attendance or participation (i. e. court dates or meetings), we may also send you a calendar invitation to serve as a reminder.


If your issue require speaking with me immediately send a short email asking to schedule a phone call. This avoids the time that is wasted by playing phone tag and means that you will get my undivided attention. Scheduled calls will take precedence over returning messages and voicemails from unscheduled calls.


My goal is to respond to most emails with an acknowledgment within 1 business day.  If your inquiry requires additional legal research, I will advise at that time and provide you with an estimated time to receive an answer to your inquiry.

I may ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment, whether by phone or in person, if doing so would be more efficient than responding to a complex matter with a long email or series of emails.
This policy applies only to those who have retained the services of Sarah Pollyea Law, LLC.

Prospective clients: I do not give legal advice over the phone or by email. You must schedule an appointment.